
I. This is not intended to be a complete delineation of all the possible responsibilities of a CCA teacher. Rather, it is a general description of the basic tasks a teacher will be normally required to perform and be evaluated upon. In addition, it is expected that the teacher will comply with all applicable school policies and

II. Basic Tasks:
A. SPIRITUAL LEADERSHIP - The teacher is expected to consistently exhibit love, joy, peace, and spiritual maturity before his students and the rest of the school. The teacher is expected to be a student and lover of the Bible, God's only written Word. He is to use the school's curriculum guide and the Bible in
constructing his daily classes. Active, joyful participation in any staff prayer meetings and school assemblies
is expected.
B. CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT/ENVIRONMENT- The teacher is expected to maintain a neat, organized, clean, and stimulating classroom environment for his students. This implies that the students will take an active part in cleaning and maintaining the room's appearance. The teacher should set up simple, manageable class routines to accomplish basic tasks, e.g. homework collection, daily cleaning schedules, materials storage, and distribution, etc.

C. CLASSROOM DECORUM AND DISCIPLINE - The teacher should be very familiar with and able to apply the spirit, as well as the letter, of the school rules. An orderly (not necessarily silent) working atmosphere is to be the norm. Students should be aware of the class and school rules and be encouraged to
exercise self-discipline. When administrative discipline is necessary, the teacher is expected to accompany the student to the office and give the Head of School an accurate accounting of the student's offense. The teacher is expected to diffuse and deal with the vast majority of corrective discipline situations within his

D. LESSON PREPARATION AND PRESENTATION - The teacher should have a thorough knowledge of and interest in the subjects he is assigned to teach. All subjects should be taught utilizing the objectives, materials, and methods presented in selected curriculum guides. The teacher is expected to encourage the students to see how all subjects are interrelated, as parts of God's integrated universe. Clear language and appropriate vocabulary is also expected.

E. STUDENT LEARNING - The teacher should seek to stimulate and maintain the students' interest in the material. Recognition and reasonable compensation for individual needs is also necessary. A variety of techniques (in addition to testing) should be used to measure the students' progress.

F. PLANNING AND COMMUNICATIONS - The teacher's weekly and quarterly lesson plans should reflect creativity and a good use of class time. The curriculum guide should be used to establish lesson plans. Emphasis should be placed on getting to know the families well, as well as, letting them know what is
happening in the class. The parents should feel welcome to visit and assist in the classroom.

G. PROFESSIONALISM - The teacher is to consistently and joyfully demonstrate pride in CCA by his work, punctuality, speech, attitude, dress, and attention to duties.