Clinical Director
Clinical Director


1. Must have a minimum of a Masters degree in counseling (or closely related field) from an accredited academic institution and be able to provide proof of degree.

2. Must have a license in the State of Minnesota to provide professional counseling and be board approved as a supervisor for unlicensed counseling trainees.

3. Must have character, integrity and be above reproach in all areas of conduct and life.

4. Must be sound in biblical doctrine.

5. Must have demonstrated clinical skills and experience.


Ø A clinical supervisor is expected to be able to address general counseling issues across a broad range of clients. These include being able to help clients with issues such as dealing with stress, depression, anxiety, conflict resolution, etc. The Site Clinical Director is expected to maintain a case load of 20 weekly client hours.

Ø Clinical Director is expected to be on site within the therapy office 3-4 days per week in order to be accessible to therapists and admin staff as needed. Additionally, the Clinical Director is integral in developing and maintaining a positive work culture and unity within the team. The Clinical Director is expected to respond to team member concerns in a prompt manner and provide leadership.

Ø A clinical supervisor is expected to develop an area or areas of clinical specialty for which s/he can provide in depth assessment, intervention, and supervision or training for other TOH counselors. Examples include: eating disorders, OCD, trauma, etc.

Ø Write and maintain clinical notes including a diagnostic assessment, treatment plan, and closing summary on any clients they are seeing in a timely manner and according to TOH policies.

Ø Participate in ongoing continuing education and personal/professional skill including but not limited to in-service workshops offered by TOH.

Ø Conduct biweekly group supervisions with office team to sharpen skills and stay current on any changing office policies and upcoming events.

Ø A clinical supervisor is expected to provide ongoing supervision to all clinical trainees and maintain records of supervision in order to comply with rule 47 requirements. We maintain a team of Clinical Supervisors to offer more experience and a variety of approaches/ backgrounds for our pre-licensed staff, so this responsibility may be shared. Conduct weekly individual/ dyad supervision with interns as necessary

Ø A clinical supervisor is expected to review and sign all unlicensed counselors’ clinical notes and any additional client paperwork needing to be sent to outside agencies for the site(s).

Ø Participate in the development of informational content for use with clients and/or use on the organization’s website.

Ø Participate in ongoing efforts to market the practice and build positive community relationships.

Ø Participate in Cooperation with the Owner in hiring efforts as needed.

Ø The Clinical Director will discuss any performance issues of team members with the owner, and will be responsible for enforcing disciplinary action if necessary to create personal and professional growth within the TOH team.

Ø The Clinical Director will respond to any crises (Including but not limited to consulting with team members regarding mandated reports and suicidal and homicidal incidents within 24 hours. If unable to be available within this time frame, the Clinical Director may delegate this responsibility to another Clinical Supervisor and instruct the team of alternate arrangement.

Ø A clinical supervisor is expected to familiarize themself with the TOH policy and procedure manual and complete all mandatory training as detailed in the manual and seek appropriate additional training or assistance as needed. The clinical director is expected to carry out additional responsibilities as detailed in the manual such as contacting clients directly if sick during non-office staffed hours and creating visits promptly so the billing staff can submit claims.

Ø A clinical supervisor is expected to maintain high levels of personal integrity and self-care both at TOH and in their personal lives. A clinical supervisor is encouraged to seek personal counseling, consultation, supervision, accountability, etc as needed to ensure that they are providing the best possible services to their clients and protecting themselves from burnout and spiritual attack.


· Critical thinking skills.

· Ability to serve people from a variety of ethnic, cultural, and faith backgrounds.

· Personal and organizational level management and organization skills.

· Ability to think creatively and openly and a willingness to seek outside assistance or ideas.

· Technical writing skills.

· Ability to use basic computer functions such as email, internet, EHR software with training, and office software with training.

· Effective communication skills.

· Sensitivity and discernment.

· Ability to motivate and encourage people to grow into their full potential.

· Ability to maintain confidentiality.

· Humility and a servant mentality.


1. Working in a great small team atmosphere with case consultation and lots of laughs. The ability to take the lead and grow the group practice and our team in unity and effectiveness.

2. Continue your own therapy work with clients and work out of your own furnished therapy office.

3. Flexibility in scheduling: Set client hours or availability, but sign notes or complete other administrative tasks at times that work for you.

4. Competitive salary as a W2 employee.

5. HRA for health expenses/ insurance premiums.

6. 80 hours per year of paid time off in addition to holidays listed below. The following are paid holidays:

Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, New Years Day

If additional time off is requested it may be unpaid and deducted from salary calculated based on a 40hour work week or 2,080 hours annually.

7. Opportunity for growth.