Team Leader
Salem United Methodist
Denver, NC, USA
30+ days ago
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Salem United Methodist Church
Denver, North Carolina
Educational Ministry Team Leader

General Job Description:
The Educational Ministry Team Leader (EMTL) shall promote the study of the Gospel of Jesus
Christ as found in Scripture in accordance with the Mission Statement of Salem UMC, and
shall provide ministry and care to the youth, children, and adults of Salem UMC and their
The EMTL must have a sense of call and passion for Christion education and ministry that is
grounded in an understanding and appreciation of United Methodist theology. This person
shall have a commitment to the Christian faith, and ability to nurture people as disciples of
Jesus Christ. This person must also see this professional position as an opportunity to
develop Christian faith and integrate all congregation members into the broader ministries of
Salem UMC.
 A Bachelor’s degree is preferred
 Experience in Christian education and/or youth ministry (2-3 yrs. preferred)
 Knowledge of faith development and the ability to incorporate this understanding into
 Demonstrated leadership and organizational skills
 Strong interpersonal skills in working with volunteers and people of all ages
 An ability to identify and foster leadership in adults, youth and children
 Excellent oral, written, and computer-based communication skills
 An attitude of flexibility and adaptability in the face of the changing moods and plans
especially when working with children, youth and adults
 Ability to exercise independent judgment and preserve confidentiality
Specific Responsibilities:
 Assesses the needs, evaluates materials, initiates, develops, and implements
programs, and oversees and manages the Educational Ministry Team volunteers for:
o Sunday School classes and small groups for all ages
o Youth programs and Young Adult programs including serving as liaison and contact
with the Youth Connectional Program at Denver United Methodist Church
o Short term and ongoing opportunities for the purpose of nurturing and growing
faithful disciples
o Areas related to education, age level ministries and faith formation
o Special intergenerational community outreach and seasonal activities
o Recruiting, training, and supervising volunteers
 Provides resources and support for Youth Ministry, Age Level Ministries, volunteers,
staff, congregation, and Church Leadership Team.

 Develops and maintains annual budget for Education, Age Level and Family Ministries,
and Safe Sanctuaries in consultation with Church Leaderships Team.
 Maintains communication with the:
o Church Leadership Team
o Staff, which includes Pastor, Director of Music and Fine Arts, Administrative
Secretary, Worship Leader, Digital Communications Specialist, and Facilities
o Congregation
 Implements and maintains the Safe Sanctuaries policy in coordination with Trustees
 Works in conjunction with staff and volunteers to communicate with printed materials
and online tools including social media and church website to celebrate and promote
current and future events
 Flexible in work hours, including weekends and evenings; present for Sunday Services
 Participates in weekly staff meetings
 Maintains current education on knowledge of family systems, faith formation, and
discipleship processes, and applies biblical teaching to daily life in the context of United
Methodist theology
 Update or pass along updates for the Church’s website
Current Working Conditions:
 The position of EMTL is defined as a full-time position. It may be filled as a part-time
position depending on the skills and availability of the candidate selected. If part-time,
the responsibilities not covered may be filled by another part-time resource, reassigned
to other Church Staff, or assigned to Church volunteers or the Educational Ministry
Team members.
 Fulfilling the responsibilities of the position requires a variety of actual number of hours
during certain weeks at different times of the year; however, regularly scheduled office
hours are kept by the employee.
 The EMTL is accountable to the Staff Parish Committee, Pastor, and Education