Michael Family
Portland, OR, USA
30+ days ago
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Looking for a “skills trainer” / coach for our 22 yr old daughter with intellectual disability.

 Prefer someone with experience but more important than experience is someone who can connect with Judy.  Judy will step beyond her comfort zone with someone she trusts and connects with. We live in NE Portland,  Sabin Neighborhood (15th & Fremont) area.


•             Help build independence, decision making and communication skills

•             Take trips to Powell’s, the grocery store, coffee shop, the library, farmers                   market, goodwill, the park, The Dollar Store, etc

•             Cook with Judy, plan and prepare a dish or meal

•             Help Judy write letters, cards, do crafts or art projects

•             Read with Judy, money math-how to pay at restaurant or store

•             Help Judy process her experiences and share yours with her

•             Plan outings – may meet with friends

•             Teach Judy how to research things on the internet

•             Make sure she completes house chores (minimal)

•             Be flexible, meet Judy at her level and gently guide her forward and                          upward. Have fun

•             Take initiative, find or create activities



•             Joyful, sweet person

•             Initially shy, but gets energetic once she is comfortable. 

•             Empathetic, gentle, well-mannered 

•             Not adventurous, likes familiar more than new but is easily lead into the                    new

•             Loves to dance along to videos and does this hours a day on her own

•             Likes to read 

•             Graduated Grant High School in Portland with a modified diploma 


Seeking one or two people to cover 4-5 days 3-5 hours a day.  Might be able to work with someone who can only work on the weekend.  


               Pay $23/hr    We work thru Out of Box Solutions


If interested Contact:

Michael Siegel

