Art teacher
chester county lifelong learning
West Chester, PA, USA
30+ days ago
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I am reaching out to see if you might be interested in offering classes in our Fall program. Typically, we offer classes through Chester County Art Association, but they are behind in planning their classes. We are a non-profit adult education group (been around for 68 years). Our catalog reaches 135,000 Chester County residents, so many instructors/businesses enjoy the exposure.

With CCAA, we feed in students to the current class offerings. In other words, we advertise the classes, take registrations, and share the students with CCAA. For them, it's a benefit because some of their classes wouldn't run without the addition of our students. In terms of payment, there is a 50/50 split of the fee for the students we bring in (however, this could be negotiable).

If you're interested, let me know as soon as you can, and I'll have our Executive Director, Leslie Heisman, reach out to you. We would love to offer some of your classes!



Jill Johnson

Chester County Lifelong Learning (formerly Chester Co Night School)