Looking to hire videographer in the Phoenix area
Minimal experience with videography, able to train, MUST HAVE reliable transportation and capabilities to upload content.
Must have excellent attention to detail and able to take/record detailed notes
As videographer on our team, you will be ready to capture high-quality footage of various shoots and be able to record/provide detailed oriented notes for projects
The potential projects will range from capturing the essence of businesses , Real Estate, podcasts, drone footage
You will communicate effectively and professionally with staff and owners during your shoots and upload your footage for our editing team
You should also be comfortable working in diverse environments and have excellent communication skills to collaborate effectively with clients
• Personal Equipment is a bonus, if not can be provided
Compensation is $20 per hour starting with training, raise will be based off performances
To Apply: Record a 30 second to 3 minute video on your skills, and resume. Send to ------------ or DM Your_Media_Guy on IG