Sangres Best offers grass-finished beef raised on the family ranch in Westcliffe, Colorado. We ship direct to consumer. We are looking for someone to join our team to get the beef to our customers from the COS warehouse. It is seasonal/part-time work from August through mid November.
You need to be strong enough to handle 50 pound boxes routinely. It is very important to us that you give attention to detail and care about the work you do because of the impact your work has on our trusting customers.
You will be work with veteran shipper on our team and be trained by them so you need to be a team player as well as adapt to working alone at times.
You will be working with positive people in a clean environment.
Perks of working for us include coming up to the ranch so we can show you the operation and take you for a horseback ride and giving you a sample pack of our beef.
Please apply to this job by telling us why you'd be a good fit and why you want to work for Sangres Best.