Elderly Widower needs help 1 or 2 hours a week with landscaping and yard features plus some just normal chores now and then. Takes some strength and agility plus some balance when some of the work is adjusting the rigging for sun shades over the waterfall. It can also involve loading and unloading scuba equipment in and out of the truck. Better if you live close enough that travel back and forth is not an issue. Fine if you sometimes get bored and just want to call and ask if help is needed when you have extra time with nothing to do. $20.00/hour Tell me as much about you as you can so I can get some understanding of just who you are. not just what you have done. We have all the tools needed for most things and can arrange to get what we don't have.
NOTE: This is not a job for a professional landscaper with 9 or 10 years experience. It is not a career opportunity. It is a need for somone with some extra time on their hands who is young enough (like 18 to 24), agile and strong enough to be versitle in being helpful on a regular basis one to two hours ea week. Like climbing up on a fence to attache a shade fabril anchor or to clean out a French Drain that is plugged about 4 feet down A side benefitt could be scuba certification even all the way to the instructor level but that is a possible side benefit and not the purpose of this posting.