This is a part time job opportunity that will shortly grow into a full time one (or could stay part time) for the right candidate. I run an aquaponic fish farm that employs people with disabilities and pays them minimum wage. The candidate for this job will have worked with people with disabilities in the past or can demonstrate proficiency in this area. The candidate should also be familiar with farming, and have some building knowledge. I need an employee who is able to figure things out on their own and is comfortable working independently.
The minimum wage I pay is $20 and hour, but if proficiency is demonstrated a higher wage will be paid. I pay for value to the company, so if your value to the company increases, so will your wages. I won't wait for a yearly review, so if you are crushing it, you could easily get more than one or two raises in an year.
Please direct resume and cover letter to ------------. Emails without a resume and cover letter will not be considered. Thank you for your time.