Warhorse Barbell Club
Philadelphia, PA, USA
30+ days ago
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We are looking to add a part-time assistant strength coach intern to the WHBC staff. Individuals must be highly motivated, willing to learn and looking to be a part of team. Our mission is to bring in those that have an eagerness to grow and that can potentially contribute to other aspects of the business. For this particular position, experience working with small groups is preferred but not mandatory.
Coaching Responsibilities:
Assist with semi-private training sessions (5-8 individuals) - learn how to properly read, dissect, and explain our training programs. Learn how to assess, demonstrate, and reassess an individuals ability to perform any and all exercises to the Warhorse standard. Provide appropriate feedback when necessary and know how to modify (progress/regress) an exercise based on the clients needs, goals, and limitations.
Shift Close/Open - Before a session begins, make sure all necessary equipment is set up and space is organized and clutter-free. After sessions, equipment must be put away, dumbbell racks and squat racks must to be organized, and overall space is clean (vacuuming and mopping will be required).
Attend weekly staff meetings.
Be in Control - You will be assisting sessions with of up to 10 individuals. The structure of the session and the clients success comes down to your ability to help keep everyone organized and on-task. Be assertive, make sure individuals are in the best position possible to succeed.
See Ahead - You need to be more than a coach. Obstacles and setbacks are inevitable in this field. Therefore, it is imperative that you can quickly think on your feet, know what barriers you will have to face, and adjust when necessary. The more proactive you can be in the beginning, the smoother the sailing will be down the road.
Know Your Destination - Every member of Warhorse is on a journey, some are half way there while others have just taken the first steps. Regardless, they are looking to you for answers. It is okay to be unsure, just always be transparent; point them in the right direction when you know, and be sure to ask questions if you do not.