Global Village Academy
Aurora, CO, USA
30+ days ago
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Language Teacher - GVA STARTALK Polyglot Program
Global Village Academies (GVA) are innovative language immersion charter schools with campuses in Aurora (K-8), Thornton (K-8) and Douglas County (K-5). Students learn core content through language immersion in their choice of French, Spanish, Mandarin, or Russian (depending on the school). GVA is truly a "global village." Our immersion teachers come from all over the world, each bringing their unique culture and language into the classroom. United by a common core, students are challenged to become world-class thinkers, capable of engaging ideas using multiple languages and cross-cultural perspectives, through internationally benchmarked curriculum spanning each language village.
STARTALK is a federal grant program funded by the National Security Agency with the objective of increasing the number of US citizens learning and teaching less commonly taught languages throughout our nation and inspiring those students to language careers, thereby contributing to language workforce development for the Federal Government.
This GVA STARTALK Polyglot Program is sponsored through our STARTALK grant at all of our GVA campuses for the Mandarin language and at GVA-North for the Russian language.GVA will provide students the STARTALK Polyglot Program in a hybrid in-person/virtual model with 20 hours pre-camp in-person activities and virtual meetings, 45 hours in person summer camp, and 20 hours post-camp in-person activities and virtual meetings.
Language Teacher Job Description Requirements
Applicants must be a US Citizen or Permanent Resident
According to Solicitation for STARTALK Programs, Faculty (Principal Investigators (PI)/ Program Director (PD)/Co-PIs), Administration, Other Support Staff, all research assistants, student workers, anyone receiving a salary from the grant must be a US Citizen or permanent residents admitted to the U.S. for permanent residence.
Essential Duties and Responsibilities
The major responsibilities of the teachers is becoming familiar with the STARTALK principles, developing the curriculum, plan lessons and teach in the target language for the duration of the program.
By working closely with the Language Lead Admin, the teacher ensures the overall quality of the program and the instruction and creates a safe and fun learning environment for the students.
The teacher has demonstrated expertise in current world language pedagogy and is knowledgeable about best practices of language instruction in a proficiency-focused system.
The candidate has significant experience working with the targeted student populations.
Perform other duties as requested.
Language Teacher Requirements
Language proficiency must be close to native speaker proficiency or higher
Language teaching experience for at least 1 year required
The compensation for the teacher is $35 per hour for 130 hours (85 hours contact time with students; 45 hours/PD/Collaboration and Prep).
The total compensation is $4,550.
Work Days Hours
1 hour lunch time is deducted in a whole-day schedule.
9:00-4:00 PM
6 hours pre-camp prep
03/30/23 -05/18/23
Every Thursday from 4:30-5:30 PM
8 hour virtual meeting+4 hours asynchronous activities
03/30/23 -05/18/23
8 hours pre-camp activities
9:00-4:00 PM
18 hours summer camp prep
7:45-12:00 PM Monday through Thursday (Student schedule is 8:00-11:45)
51 hours summer camp
06/09/23 06/16/23 06/23/23
9:00-12:00 PM
9 hours Summer camp prep
9:00-3:00 PM
6 post-camp prep
09/21/23-11/09/23 Every Thursday
4:30-5:30 PM
8 hour virtual meeting+4 hours asynchronous activities
8 hours post-camp activities
For more information, or to apply now, you must go to the website below. Please DO NOT email your resume to us as we only accept applications through our website.