Marketing Assistant
Healthy On You
San Diego, CA, USA
30+ days ago
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This is a great opportunity to work hands-on with a small emerging natural foods brand. Healthy On You is an Organic Spice Blend company (@healthyonyou.) We are looking for an energetic, marketing student/grad who is ready to learn from the ground up all the aspects of building and marketing a unique food brand.
You will get hands-on experience with:

Full-on website strategy and development
Social media content marketing
Business development (interact with other brands on our behalf)
Managing influencer campaigns
Distribution management
Category research

The website development project is a great way to experience a project from beginning to end. You will learn valuable skills and experience in strategic positioning and branding a company on the verge of going national. Must be a San Diego, CA resident and can work in person and at times remote. North County location.

For more info on the brand see ------------

Thank you!